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      Blog Category // Robotic Welding (2)

      5 New Developments in Robotic Welding Technology

      Welding Safety: How Welding Robots Can Mitigate the Risks

      It is common knowledge that welders occupy a hazardous role in industrial settings. Therefore, it is an obvious target for ...

      Welding Robot Programming: Demystifying "Ease-of-Use"

      You’ve decided that automation with a welding robot will positively impact your production. However, one of the primary ...

      Coming Home: Reshoring and the Welding Industry

      In the USA and other parts of the world, the Covid-19 pandemic shed new light on reshoring efforts of the government as the ...

      Welding Robots: Types, Advantages, and Limitations

      Technology has come to the welding industry in the form of welding robots. It's an exciting time for the industry. Robotic ...

      Real-Life Success with Welding Cobots: Siouxland Fabricating Inc

      Action speaks louder than words. We’re always talking about how robotic welding through cobots helped the welding industry ...

      How to Prep Your Team to Accept Your Robotic Welder

      You've done your research and crunched the numbers. You concluded that welding automation with a collaborative robot or ...

      Welding Automation: 7 Steps to Get Started

      Congratulations On Your Decision After much consideration, you’ve finally made the leap and decided to add a cobot to your ...

      Is Welding Automation A Good Fit For Your Business?

      Automation is a buzzword in all industries for various tasks. Welding is not exempt from this trend. But before you join the ...

      Welder Help Wanted: Expand Your Workforce with a Robotic Welder

      Welder Shortage: The Situation The world is experiencing a welder shortage. In the US, statistics predict that there will be ...

      How Cobot Welder’s Ease of Use Translates to More Productivity

      Are you looking for a cobot to bridge the gap for your welding needs for automation? Do you want your welders to be able to ...

      How Cobot Welding is Solving the Welding Industry Challenges

      Does your business have a hard time finding skilled welders? Are you struggling with high welding costs that cut through ...

      4 Reasons For Using Collaborative Robots in Your Welding Operations

      Even though welding is an essential part of the manufacturing industry, there is a shortage of qualified welders. In the ...

      Cloud Connecting Cobots makes Robotic Workers Better

      Even before our current situation relegated us to working in new environments, Hirebotics employees have been working ...

      What to Expect when Hiring a BotX Welder

      So you’ve made the decision to hire a BotX Welder. Congratulations! You’ve “opted in” to being at the forefront of robotic ...

      Four reasons your next hire should be a BotX Welder

      Has the shortage of skilled welders been a challenge for your company to meet your business goals? Are you regularly dealing ...

      Keep your employees, Fire your robots!

      Catchy headlines in the news today would make you believe that robots are stealing jobs. Fear sells. For more than a century ...

      Welcome to the future: Introducing BotX, your for-hire robotic welder

      The growing shortage of skilled welders is a serious issue for manufacturing companies globally. For decades traditional ...

      Robotic Welding Issues and Challenges

      Decades of lack of focus and investment combined with a declining workforce has left the welding sector of the economy with ...