Josh Crane

Josh Crane
October 8, 2022
Josh is a Robotics Engineer at Hirebotics. Hirebotics is an automation machinery manufacturer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to enable ALL of your welders to take advantage of automation with our Cobot Welder, powered by Beacon.
Articles By Josh Crane

Cloud Storage for UR Robots yields Seamless Backups and Innovation

How many times have you wanted to go back to the previous version of a program? Trying to place a new thought in a college ...

Empowering Partners to be One with their Automation

One of the most prevalent principles at Hirebotics is providing team members the resources and autonomy to get the job done ...

The Art of Abstraction

Many moons ago, I started doing repairing and working on cars and robots for fun. After a few skinned knuckles and dropped ...

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Whether checking out at the grocery store or transporting civilians to Mars, reusable tools and resources are in high ...
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